The other night a friend and I went out to get some dessert and a drink, when we were served by a man with a gorgeous Irish accent. We sat and admired his accent the whole night even to go as far as to stop talking whenever he was off talking to another customer. We agreed that although he wasn’t all that physically attractive his accent made him, all that (ok so I know that the term “all that” isn’t really used anymore, but in my head it is at least a step up from da bomb). So here I was picturing a life where I would just listen to this man talk, not really about anything in particular, for the rest of my life. However, I am pretty sure the awe of his accent would have faded quickly after I had to listen to 20 straight hours of him talking about futball and my “perfect man” would soon become flawed.
This situation may be different if it wasn’t for the fact that I tend to do this with any guy I like, I find one or two things I like about a guy and I only see those good qualities. I look for the things to cross off a check list of my perfect man and if he fits even one, I think ding ding I’ve got a winner. Now I know I am not the only one to do this, it is an epidemic sweeping the singles nation. How do I know this? Well I attended a Christian college, where the phrase, “I love Jesus, You love Jesus, let’s get married,” actually became a reality. So many times I have fallen into the trap of believing that just because a guy loves Jesus just as much as me, we are destined to be together forever. True it is essential that two people be at the same level spiritually for marriage, but just because that weird guy at my church gives his all to Jesus, it doesn’t mean God wants us to join forces by default.
So what am I to do to overcome this mindset? Well I need to take a step back, not just go all googly eyed, ask the people closest to me their opinions, and most importantly ask my heavenly Father what He thinks.
What are your opinions, why do you think we pick one thing about a person that we life and automatically think they are the one?
I think it's because we so desperately want to find that fairytale love, and the only way to find it is to hang on to the perfection, because there's no true life fairytale, at least not in the sense of how we're made to hope for it.
Something of the likes of that.
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