
Friendship Necklaces

When I was younger and I liked someone I would tell them through a little note or letter, whether it be a friend, or if I liked liked a boy it didn’t matter each would get a cute note with more than likely several cute decorations on it. I would send this special person a letter telling them about my life and about my honest and simply feelings for them. I want to know what happened to those days of simply sharing our feelings. Did we all one day think, hmm… I think sharing our true emotions to someone through letter form or any form for that matter is way too childish? What happened to the days when if we wondered whether someone liked us all we had to do was ask?
Well I believe those days do not have to be over, I propose that we stop making things so complicated and go back to just being honest. You have friends that you are thankful for and love? Tell them, send them a note, now it doesn’t have to have BFF drawn all over it and a necklace enclosed that says best on their half and friends on yours, but I am sure it would be nice for your friends to hear how appreciated they are to you. This one doesn’t apply to me right now, but if you have a boyfriend or husband and you love them dearly, let them know it. Write them a note to tell them, it doesn’t have to have hearts and flowers drawn all over it, but if it does I think that would make it even more amazing. Finally, I know we all just figure God knows how we feel about Him, I mean He knows everything right? I am sure that He does, but I am also sure that He would love to hear it more than we say it, so write a note to God telling Him how He makes you feel, the good, the bad, and the wonderful.
What are some ways that you share your love to those you care about?