- I spend most of my time working with children. And, by most of my time, I mean nearly all of my time. This includes my option for volunteering. It is kind of crazy, I know. But, it is the fantastical adventure that is my life.
- I am convinced that children know more about life than most adults do. Children hold firmly to the forgiveness and loving everyone factor much better than an adult. Then, quickly, especially in our autonomous society, we teach them to unlearn all of that wonderful goodness and learn to mistrust, hate, and go only for number one.
- I have a tendency to be full-tilt-boogey in my life. Either I am all for something or not at all for something. Middle of the road is very hard for me. I don't like living there, and I don't choose to accept things that way.
- My Heavenly Father is the reason I live and breathe. I am driven by my religion.
- The children that I work with are this wonderful little pool of "nuggets of knowledge". When they speak, I listen.
- I love books, libraries, book stores. I love the smell of new books and old books. I underline and mark the pages, because I don't want my books to feel naked.
- I have an obsession with dinosaurs, beards, flannel, and delicious sweet tea.