
Worry Wart

“Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.”

Chronic Worrier: Someone who worries about not worrying enough they worry so much.

That's what I am...a chronic worrier. I always want to know that I am in control, that I am the one who has got the end result in my grasp, and the one who decides the best choice. But I am hardly ever, if ever, the one who has it all mapped out.

So I worry.
And I worry.
And I worry.

I think the entire point of this post is my hopes that I am not alone in this. I worry that I have worried about a situation enough. It's impractical, silly, and most of all, tiring.

I don't have much more to say. It was a small confession in the midst of my hectic schedule. I don't ever seem to have time to think, but then I worry that I've spent too much time doing nothing! Geeze, I am a wreck.

Quickly, though, I've been thinking about things I want to do before I die. Here they are in no particular order:

  1. Write a book about my life.
  2. Explore another country and its sights.
  3. Road trip across the US.
  4. Get married to a lumberjack.
  5. Have a ton of flannel-wearing babies.

Victoria Out.


L.R. said...

I am the one who worries a lot about just anything. General things, particular things, office stuff, family stuff. I want to predict every complication to have it covered.
It is indeed tiring. But I guess a point in life comes when you just can't change the way you are anymore.