
Ninja God

I have been pegged as the sort of person that formulates crazy metaphors that rarely do any good after the initial sharing of them. However, I am proud of the writer-that-lives-inside-of-me that produces metaphors and similes at whim. There are many different ways to see God. You can view Him as indifferent, passionate, ruler, king, lord, distant, near, father, bridegroom, etc.

My favorite view of God is one that I'm going to demonstrate for you today:

God as Ninja.

I know, maybe some of you just laughed out loud, which is good. You should have. Ninja God is funny--until Ninja God judo chops you or tosses a few death-stars-of-judgment your way.

I am stubborn by nature. And that's something I don't wear as a badge of honor. The opposite is true, actually. Don't let others fool you into believing the opposite. I HATE being so stubborn. I hate that I get so ridiculously set on something that I can't accept help or see how to do it any other way. So then, here I am, with problems that I can't solve, and all I had to do was ask for help initially, and now the mess is bigger than it should be.

If God tells me to do something that I find uncomfortable or not-so-suited for my lifestyle, I run from it. And I don't just toss it in the garbage and walk on. Because, with God-callings, sure God is going to let you get away from some things for awhile (and I'm sure He and I will have a LONG talk about those when I get to Heaven), but there are some that find you.

That's where Ninja God comes in.

First He pulls the judo-chop of love.
I am somewhere, running away from God and His calling for my life, and here I am, overwhelmed and I am judo-chopped. Instantaneously I remember how much God loves me, how much He has sacrificed for me, and how much He desires to be with me. I'm paralyzed by it (like that song "Paralyzer", but better because it's God and not an over-played fairly-old song on the radio).

Then He throws a death-star-of-judgment
And He gets away with it. Why? Because, He's God. That's why. He reminds me of that Love that paralyzed me moments before and let's it permeate my being. He then reminds me that Love is a verb AND a noun. A proper noun, HIM. So, then I realize I have been shown love and mercy so that I shall, in turn, show love and mercy. And then God's callings are like eating my soul alive because I should have seen it.

Then He Pulls a Ninja Move of Stealth that Is Beyond Understanding And I Do What He Told Me to Do Initially.
It's true; it happens. Suddenly, I am doing exactly what God told me to do in the first place. And I have a few more bruises than I needed, and quite a few more scars because I was running and tripping and being a mess of a human.

Have you encountered Ninja God?


Tabs the NPC said...

Many, many times over.

I too am exceedingly stubborn. While God has used that in the past as something positive, all too often it gets me in a whole lot of trouble.