
And the green grass grows all around all around…..

As I glance out my window, I notice something that looks like the Trolls that were beg in the 90’s popping its head out next to my mail box. Who ever decided those things were cool? I actually had a few, I even still have a pair of troll earrings which I claim to keep around for the sake of my job (remember, I work with kids) but secretly I really do like them, except for the fact that when I was younger I decided to give one of them a hair cut.

Ok, So it’s not really a troll in my front yard. What it is really is decorative grass that is growing back from it’s winter hibernation. I don’t really care for the stuff, but I rent so I don’t really have a huge say in the landscaping of my place. Sometimes I think about moving out and getting house to call my very own, but then I remember that I hate mowing so I stay put.

It’s moments like this that make me wish I was married. Of course there are fleeting moments when I remind myself that those are the wrong reasons for marriage.

But what single person doesn’t have those thought from time to time how much greener the grass must be on the other side. I mean when you’re married, you have someone that shares the house work with you, someone to go places with, someone that helps the financial situation, etc. etc. etc. But then I have quite a few married friends that say the see me with the greener side of life. I’m free to do what I want, to get up and go, I don’t have to juggle 6 different schedules, or to clean up after any one than myself.

When you get down to it, every has those moments of: “Life would be better if….” Married, single, with kids, without kids, living in the USA, or abroad, in school, out of school and the list goes on and on.

I acknowledge this. And I think that acknowledgement is what helps me see that I really love my life right now. I have my moments or days or weeks of the desire of marriage coming to the foregrounds of my life again, but I still know that I’m happy and wouldn’t want to change a thing. I find joy from this moment in life, and in the next moment, and so on and so forth.

I guess what I’m saying is I like my grass. What about you?

P.S. I had no clue where the troll story was going, that’s how it is with a lot of my writing, I’m going along with the journey same as you are. Enjoy.


Shayna said...

I hear you --- As a single girl who deliberately bought a townhouse in a community that included exterior maintenance I often wish I had some sort of similar arrangement for the inside of the hosue - I have vaulted ceilings and changing the bulbs is a comical experience requiring the assistance of at least one other person...

On the upside though, being single means that the bed is all mine, I have total remote control authority and no one ever eats the leftover chocolate cake in the fridge :-)