
A trip down memory lane...

I must confess I am a not so closet lover of little antique shops. I love looking at all the history in those dusty shelves, and thinking what those pieces would have seen in their lifetime. Some pieces represent awesome fads like care bear lunch boxes, while others are timeless pieces of pottery or paintings. Each store contains little treasures of the past some good while others could have been left in the time period they were made, like those creepy old dolls that look like they are staring you down.

While searching through the old pieces of history I realized that I often do the same thing in my own life. I go and visit the antique shops of my mind, I spend time looking at each piece of history studying it and analyzing what could have been done differently or wishing those times weren’t passed. These trips down memory lane can be pleasant they can give me warm and fuzzy feelings, ones that make me praise God for those times. However, unlike a short trip to a shop, many times these trips end up causing me to feel regret, guilt, and get me stuck in a cycle of what ifs. Continuing to focus just on these memories, is like me staying in an antique shop for way too long, in the end it will end up costing me too much. I will miss out on what is happening now, the moments of the present are precious and should not be wasted by constantly looking backwards. So for now I will visit the past like I would an antique shop, occasionally and taking only what is special or needed home and leaving all the other junk behind.