
When you least expect it....

Something very interesting has happened to me as of late. I have finally just accepted that I’m going to be single for a while longer, since there are no boys in this area to pick from. And I’m happy with this, truly. However, on Easter my best friend called me (we’ll call her Married Victoria since in real life her and Victoria have the same name, we’ll keep it going in the blog too) telling me that she thinks she’s found a guy for me. Now Lynn lives several states away from me and has made this statement before, but apparently this one she’s semi- connected to since he was in her youth group growing up (as opposed to her creeper days of taking the long distance photos of boys she works with for me). Well it’s been a couple weeks of his-mother-told-her-mother-to-tell­-me-to kind of stuff till she finally broke down and messaged him, telling him who she was and who I was and hoping she didn’t sound like a creeper. I was laughing while she told me about it and the fact that Vegas Victoria (yep, another Victoria. Really they enter my life in spades) messaged her on Facebook giving her blessing and encouragement to the whole situation. I think I might start getting a little paranoid, But in a fun kind of way.

But, if this had happened to me last year, I would have been all over getting this guy to notice me, like a ribbon on a maypole. Last year I was slightly depressed, friendless, and hating my job to the point of, I wonder if I’m really doing God’s will for my life. However I’m happy with life now and where I’m at and don’t need this to give me sanity. Maybe that’s why this is happening now? Who knows, but I have learned a couple things from this situation.

1. “When you least expect it” really means “in unexpected ways.” If you’ve ever been single for any length of time you’ve heard the phrase it will happen when you least expect it. This was always a troubling thought to me because I always seemed to expect it. I’m a writer which means I have an over active imagination. So whenever I met anyone new, but especially boys, I play out 500 different possibilities for how this new person will play out in my life, anywhere from the very bad to the very best. So because of this default in my brain, I wasn’t sure how “least expect it” could happen.

Now I know that it’s unexpected ways. Since I had resigned myself to the fact that boys I wouldn’t want to kill after one day of dating, let alone marriage, don’t exist in my town, and internet dating really isn’t for me, I figured I have to wait till I got another job in another town to find someone, but if this kind of random can happen once, it could happen again, which is encouraging.

2. God can pull a guy out of thin air. This kind of goes with the first point, but I think it’s even more true. Right now, I don’t know if I’m ever even going to talk to this guy let alone a relationship developing. But I feel like in a way God is encouraging me. Telling me that I really don’t have to worry about this part of my life and dreams anymore because when the time is right God can bring a guy out of thin air for me, and that makes me for the moment- very passive about the whole thing, knowing that if it’s meant to be, it will happen. Otherwise, God seems very good and pulling Men out of thin air for me.

3. God always wants to be your savior. I’m pretty sure if any guy had shown interest in me a year or so ago, I would have thrown myself head first into the relationship, whether or not it was a good idea. But that would have caused me to see the boy as my savior from a horrible moment in life, instead of God, who wound up answering my prayers and sending me to a great place where I’m truly happy. So now, looking back on that moment, I see why I was single: because any relationship at that point of life would not have been healthy. Looking back, I can see many reasons why I’m still single, but that’s another post entirely. The point is, God always wants to be the reason for the good things in your life- because he is.

Well that’s what I’ve learned so far. Who knows if any more lessons will come of this situation, but it’s going to be interesting for a little while at least. But what lessons have you learned from the blind date scene- or even the hopelessly single scene?