
Puzzle Pieces

Can you describe to me what this picture looks like on this puzzle? Right now this picture is not beautiful; it is just a bunch of jumbled pieces lying on the ground. This puzzle won’t be truly beautiful or even understandable until it is finished. The only person that can truly describe the puzzle before it is done is someone who has seen a picture of the finished product. The person who sees the finished product knows that this is truly a beautiful picture not just a random bunch of colors and shapes.

We all are like puzzles not quite put together yet. We may get called ugly or may be misunderstood, by those that just see the mess of random pieces that make us up. So we look and search for someone who will be the one person who will see the random pieces and think that we are beautiful just the way we are, or that one person who can complete our puzzle. Often the person who we search for is a significant other, which always leads to disappointment.

You look for contentment and reassurance from someone who is just as imperfect and whose vision of your completed puzzle is as blurry as anyone else’s view. While those that are not married often feel as if they are doomed to be incomplete while on this earth because the world often portrays a single person as only half a person until they are married. This is not true my friends, God is what makes us all complete, He is the only one that can see our completed puzzle and work with us to put it together.


Tabs the NPC said...

Thank you for those encouraging words. I might reread this post a few times before bed, as it's definitely something I need to be reminded of right now.