
The Modern Day Matchmaker

The Modern Day Matchmakers

Matchmakers throughout history and societies have played an important role in putting families and marriages together however now they thought to be obsolete and not useful here in the States. (Well other than online dating matchmakers, but that is a whole other ballgame).No the matchmakers of today are too sneaky to make a career of their matchmaking skills. These matchmakers may not even call themselves a matchmaker, but that is what they are none the less. Since the matchmakers of today’s society are so sneaky and come in so many different forms I thought I would list some I have recently encountered just as a warning.

The first type of matchmaker and sometimes the most deadly is the Mother Matchmaker. She is a mother that is desperate for her, in my case son, to be married that she will throw him at any available, acceptable single female in hopes that one of them will fall madly in love with him, or at least marry him. This one just spells run.

The second type of matchmaker is the marriage-the-ultimate –pick-me-up matchmaker. These people think everyone should be married or in a relationship, because it will fix everything and make you so much happier. If you have any sort of problems these matchmakers know just how to fix it, with a good relationship. These matchmakers will try you out with anyone they know who is single, no matter whether they are smart, attractive, and funny or well the opposite of all those things. I mean in the end all that matters is that you are just with someone right?

The third type of matchmaker is the bandwagon matchmakers. These matchmakers believe everyone should be married after a certain age. It is like you have a clock around your neck that is just ticking down the seconds and when it runs up, that’s the end you are doomed to a life of singleness forever. Phrases like, “Oh your single? Well we will just have to fix that won’t we,” may be used frequently.

I have come to find that most people who are matchmakers either are married or in a relationship. That is unless they fall into the fourth category this is the-single-friend-using –your-singleness-to-get-them-a-date matchmaker, not one of my shortest names, sorry. These matchmakers are those friends that like someone, but this someone will not go out on a date with them unless their friend can have a date as well. Usually saying yes to this spells an awkward and uncomfortable date. Thankfully this is a rare occurrence, but I just thought you should be aware that it is out there.

Finally the last one I could think of is the I-think-you-two-would-really-like-each-other matchmaker. This matchmaker will ask to set you up with someone that they know well and that they think you would get along with well. These matchmakers usually are people that think you are awesome and want you to be with someone that is just as awesome. Both parties are examined fairly well and can be less sketchy than other matchmaker’s techniques.

I am sure that there are many other types that I have failed to mention, but I hope that I covered some that you may experience. Some of these matchmakers may work for you and if any do, I am glad, but I did feel as someone who has been there, it was my duty to warn you of some of the modern day matchmakers.


Tabs the NPC said...

As a single girl in my mid-twenties, I have faced the curse of some of these matchmakers too.

I think what irritates me the most, is that they tend to be very good at shaking that confidence I've built up about waiting on God. I know I'm desperate for a relationship. I want to be married and have a family. I'm content waiting on God.

Until someone comes around and starts telling me why I should be in a relationship and how I should be pursuing it. Suddenly, all those desires and wants I have flare up and ensnare me like a venus fly trap.

It would be so much simpler if people just wouldn't meddle.