
Compound creatures

If you’ve never noticed, the world is made up of compound creatures. There’s the Pineapple, my personal favorite, and it counterpart the platypus. There is also the eggplant, the pear tomato, and sunflowers, just to name a few.

Now none of these are literal compounded creatures, but only the semblance of two or more “others.” And the greatest thing about these is how much life relates to them. I mean pineapples themselves are a picking of truth in relationships. Quirky on the outside, sweet on the inside, and none of them quite the same, even though they have the same basic parts. Then there’s things like the eggplant, where only some live up to the name (fact: There are actually eggplants that look like eggs, thus the reason they got their name. It wasn’t until this name had been established that purple oblong ones came along. If you don’t believe me- Wikipedia-it) and the rest are only posers (I’m sure you have someone in mind as you read this) And then there are those of us that are sunflowers in life, truly beautiful, and reminding us of greater things in the world. And really, that’s where it’s at. We are all compound creatures. Beings made of part truth and part illusion. We were meant to be completely truth. Much more than a sunflower claims, or any of the other compound creatures, but we have lost ourselves along the way. Well, not really along the way, but more like at the beginning. I know what your thinking- “she’s going to do the corny Christian thing of spelling sun- son and all that.” But no, not really. I’m just being reminded of the fact that we all are human, just as we were meant to be, just as the sunflower is really a flower.

But we all want to be more than that, just like if sun flowers could talk I’m sure they would say something along the lines of “man, if I really were a sun, think of all the good I could do. I could make sure everyone has food, and that everyone warm, and that everyone has light. Think how great the world would be.” And we’ve all had sunflower moments. Yes we’re human, but we were made in the image of God. So we all have moments of “man, if I was God, think of all the good I could do. I would make sure that everyone had food, and that everyone was warm, and give world peace. Wow, think of how great a world that would be.” But we forget about the consequences of retracting free will. For to force that upon the world would be to change what we are entirely. Making us less than sunflowers, or pineapples or eggplants. It would make us grass, or potatoes, or dogs: Whole one dimensional and lacking in our other half- our divine half.

So personally, I’ll take the compound life with all it’s problems for now, because I know it fleeting, then I won’t be a poser of an eggplant, I’ll be more. I’ll be a Starfruit, wholly both of my halves, in complete harmony, how God intended me to be. But for now, I’ll be the best pineapple I can be until my day of fulfillment comes.

P.S. Sorry Victoria for stealing your sunflowers, I really meant it to be about pineapples, but those tricky sunflowers snuck in there…)