
Full Throttle

So let me start by saying that I absolutely love my life right now. I'm doing many of the things that I love and have many friends that I love both near and far, not to mention a great family and church.

But sometimes I still wonder "Is this is?"

Sometimes I just want to quit this life and become a gypsy. Travel the world, sampling all it wares and cultures. Write and paint and dance and whatever else comes my way. I wonder what my life would be like if I had become a paleontologist (a dinosaur guru for those of you who read that word and feel it tickling the back of your brain) That was what I wanted to be until the third grade when my Dad broke it to me that there wasn't a high calling for paleontologists, so I went to my back up of teacher, which eventually evolved to children's minister: teaching without government restrictions, which is a great fit for me, since to many rules tend to make me subversively rebellious.

There seem to be so many moments like this in life: What if I had actually gone backpacking in Europe, will I ever get to do that, What if I had stayed in Vegas after my internship, what if I had decided to try for a missionary position in Germany (does it make me a bad Christian that it terrified me to try?)

All the questions to unknown paths in life, and yet I have no regrets. If anything these push me harder to live life full throttle. And maybe by going full speed ahead, I'll get the chance to live some of these moments.

All I know is that I'm taking it one step at a time and enjoying every moment.


Jill said...

I'm learning to take life one step at a time also...A few years ago I never would have guessed I'd be at this job and living where I am, but you never know what will happen.

"Don't worry about tomorrow, for today has enough trouble of its own"