
Reminder Movie

Don’t you hate it when a guy won’t leave you alone? Now, I’m not talking about the actuality of the sentence, that’s a whole other post in it’s self. But what I’m talking about on this occasion is when you want/need to stop thinking about a guy and can’t.

This has happened to me recently and I knew it needed to stop, I just wasn’t sure how to make my mind realize this. There were two reasons why this guy would never work out. Number one is I’m pretty sure he never gives me two thoughts of his life let alone day, and number two is I know he’s not the right guy for me. But still my mind wouldn’t leave it alone.

The hardest part is that there was a moment where it seemed like something would happen, and then didn’t, most likely because he didn’t have the guts to do anything about it. So this one moment sent my mind into a downward spiral of not giving up hope. Something that threatened to drive me crazy and maybe it even did a little. But still, I knew I had to fight this girl disease.

I always mocked the girls that siphoned away their day mooning over boys that wouldn’t give them the time of day, and now I had become one, a closet case, but a girly girl none the less, and that in itself was enough to drive me crazy.

But finally after a long struggle of back and forth healing and renewal of this madness, I came to a very strong ending of it. I realized that I want someone better. This moment of brilliance was given to me by what I now call "My Reminder Movie." It's the movie I will now pull out to remind myself of what I want/need in a guy. And what is my reminder movie you ask? The Proposal is what finally cured the disease and along with it the understanding that I want one of "those guys." The guy that I couldn’t get out of my mind, definitely not that strong of a personality which is something I need.

And now, when and if the disease ever strikes again, I’ll pull out the Proposal and remind myself of the type of guy I actually want/need, and hopefully the moment will pass quicker than the last until the right guy comes along.

Maybe I need a trip to Alaska…..

What’s you reminder movie?


dating diva said...

I didn't really have a 'reminder movie' but I definitely had that 'ah hah' moment when I realized that I was being ridiculous. I also had myself convinced that I was not 'one of those girls' but it is so easy to get caught up and obsessed! I just made myself stop checking his facebook and not responding to his texts in under .5 seconds and I ended up feeling a lot better and eventually I realized that I could also do better and I shouldn't settle for a mild obsession...

sweet dee

Tabs the NPC said...

Can't say I have a reminder movie, but I definitely know where you're coming from.

I've had that for the last couple years, and it's only been recently that I've finally been able to get him off my mind.